Happy New Year 2024!
From the Shim Gum Do Proclamation:
Shim Gum Do is the correct functioning of energy, attaining truth and Great Love and Great Compassion and only going straight with the Great Vow. Then you will attain the wisdom Gum, the correct emotion Gum, the correct will Gum; three mind swords. Thus, you will attain the perfection of truth, goodness, and beauty. Yours will be the world of complete peace, great brightness, and great freedom.
Today is January 1st, 2024.
What is your direction? What is it that you want?
Today it is the beginning of a new year.
Today, take the time to clear your mind and focus on your goals.
Everyday take the time for Shim Gum Do training and mind training to make a clear mind, clear thinking and clear action.
Moment by moment, only go straight toward what it is you want.
I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful and Successful New Year, 2024!
Chong Kwan Jang Nim